Jackie Dempsey

Spirit of The 200% - Buchanans Whiskey


Buchanan’s Whiskey Holiday Campaign

The Idea—

Buchanan’s is the fastest growing whiskey brand & most loved spirit brand by Hispanic Americans, a rapidly growing demographic. Our job was to fuel acceleration of share growth to outpace competitors in F22/23.

To do this, we needed to develop an occasion-led holiday toolkit that would appeal to more young, bicultural Hispanic Americans and drive awareness and relevance of Buchanan’s during the holidays. 

There’s just one problem. On the tails of the pandemic we discovered our audience wasn’t celebrating the holidays in the same way as generations before them. Rather than out at nightclubs or bars, our audience had a new emerging occasion space: The home. More specifically, hosting and attending energetic parties at home with friends and family.

In the past, our holiday efforts were spent largely in “On-Premise Materials” or advertising inside bars and clubs. Buchanan’s growing new audience was creating their own modern traditions—equally Hispanic and American. We needed to modernize and change our approach.

So the campaign centered around the ways in which young Hispanic Americans express themselves, embracing their identities as simultaneously: “100% American and 100% Hispanic”, by hosting their friends and families for the holidays.

My concept in particular leaned into the idea of creating new traditions by embracing: non-traditional holiday colors, targeting emerging jewelry fads, trending glassware, popular holiday cocktails and foods, both Hispanic and American.

I’m proud to share that our clients absolutely loved my concept and bought-in on the 1st round!

My Role—

Senior Art Director


Sketch vs. Final—


Social & Ecomm—


Flat toolkit—





Initial comps—




Display Enhancer—


Shoot Plan—


Production Deck—



Creative Director: Megan Kapsiak
Senior Art Director: Jackie Dempsey
Art Director: Joshua Rainer